domingo , 9 março , 2025

‘Vingadores: Ultimato’: Fã constrói a Mark 85 em impressora 3D e o resultado é incrível; Confira!

YouTube video

Em seu perfil do Instagram, um fã da Marvel publicou diversas imagens e vídeos mostrando o processo de construção de uma Mark 85, a armadura usada por Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) em ‘Vingadores: Ultimato‘.

Por incrível que pareça, o fã revelou que as peças foram todas fabricadas através de uma impressora 3D, e o resultado ficou simplesmente incrível.

Até o momento, somente o capacete da armadura foi pintado, mas o internauta deve publicar as finalizações do projeto em breve.



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It. Fits 🙏 Just ignore the missing shoe covers, hand toppers and knee caps 🤣 I forgot to put them on before I was in too deep 😂 oh well. This is the first time I’ve put everything on. And I’m so f*cking happy. # I’m glad I re-printed the helmet smaller. Lots of other builds I see look like bobble-heads. And the parts have wayyyyyyy less gaps than I had planned for. Just need some more padding and adjusting 😁 Can these LEDs get here already please? eBay? Please? Iron Man Mark 85 100% 3D Printed Sunlu Black PLA+ CR-10S Cura 4.0 w/ Creawesome #marvel #ironman #mark85 #mk85 #marvelstudios #cosplay #tonystark #endgame #infinitywar #3dprint #3dprinter #3dprinting #creality #cura #cr10 #cr10s #comicon #comiccon #mcmcomiccon #armor #suit #comics #mcu #do3d #hashtag #diy #tutorial #howto #franklybuilt

Uma publicação partilhada por Frank Lee (@frankly_built) a


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So I made an armour stand. And I’m very glad I did because hot damn. Needs some refinement but 👌🏼👍🏼🔥 Finished printing the neck guard, printing the shoe covers now and then that’s a wrap folks. Just needs a few more fitment adjustments and now I realise with the neck cover I can’t clip/un-clip the chest from the back like I used to. So I’ll have to re-work that system 😅 But this actually looks like a real cool thing now. And i still can’t believe I made it. I never thought I’d ACTUALLY have this type of thing in my possession 😁 Can these LEDs ship faster please? 🙏 #ironman #marvel #mark85 #mk85 #cosplay #marvelstudios #endgame #avengers #tonystark #comicon #comicon2019 #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #armour #armor #suit #stark #starkindustries #cura #ultimaker #creality #cr10s #cr10 #pla #sunlu #lifesize #costume #hashtag #creawesome

Uma publicação partilhada por Frank Lee (@frankly_built) a


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Do I even need to quote it? LEDs for the gauntlet finally came in. And god. DAMNITY. DAMN! I’m not saying I was loosing motivation but if this didn’t just light the biggest fire under my ass. I can’t believe how bright and beautiful these look. Even in a fully lit room. I’ll make sure to cover these lights in the next video update on YouTube 👌🏼 Enjoy! Thank you @oznium for these dope SMDs! #marvel #ironman #mk85 #mark85 #endgame #infinitywar #infinitystones #iamironman #marvelstudios #disney #avengers #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprinter #diy #resin #leds #cura #creality #do3d #iloveyou3000 #mcu #cosplay #comicon #comiccon #mcmlondoncomiccon #franklybuilt #pla #oznium #armour

Uma publicação partilhada por Frank Lee (@frankly_built) a

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YouTube video

Após os eventos devastadores de ‘Vingadores: Guerra Infinita‘, o Universo entrou em destruição por causa do Estalar de Dedos do Thanos, o Titã Louco. Com a ajuda dos heróis sobreviventes, os Vingadores devem se reunir mais uma vez para desfazer as ações de Thanos e restaurar a ordem do universo de uma vez por todas, não importa quais serão as consequências que os aguardam.

O elenco grandioso conta com Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson, Karen Gillan, Danai Gurira, Bradley Cooper e Josh Brolin, entre outros.

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‘Vingadores: Ultimato’: Fã constrói a Mark 85 em impressora 3D e o resultado é incrível; Confira!

Em seu perfil do Instagram, um fã da Marvel publicou diversas imagens e vídeos mostrando o processo de construção de uma Mark 85, a armadura usada por Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) em ‘Vingadores: Ultimato‘.

Por incrível que pareça, o fã revelou que as peças foram todas fabricadas através de uma impressora 3D, e o resultado ficou simplesmente incrível.

Até o momento, somente o capacete da armadura foi pintado, mas o internauta deve publicar as finalizações do projeto em breve.



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It. Fits 🙏 Just ignore the missing shoe covers, hand toppers and knee caps 🤣 I forgot to put them on before I was in too deep 😂 oh well. This is the first time I’ve put everything on. And I’m so f*cking happy. # I’m glad I re-printed the helmet smaller. Lots of other builds I see look like bobble-heads. And the parts have wayyyyyyy less gaps than I had planned for. Just need some more padding and adjusting 😁 Can these LEDs get here already please? eBay? Please? Iron Man Mark 85 100% 3D Printed Sunlu Black PLA+ CR-10S Cura 4.0 w/ Creawesome #marvel #ironman #mark85 #mk85 #marvelstudios #cosplay #tonystark #endgame #infinitywar #3dprint #3dprinter #3dprinting #creality #cura #cr10 #cr10s #comicon #comiccon #mcmcomiccon #armor #suit #comics #mcu #do3d #hashtag #diy #tutorial #howto #franklybuilt

Uma publicação partilhada por Frank Lee (@frankly_built) a


Ver esta publicação no Instagram


So I made an armour stand. And I’m very glad I did because hot damn. Needs some refinement but 👌🏼👍🏼🔥 Finished printing the neck guard, printing the shoe covers now and then that’s a wrap folks. Just needs a few more fitment adjustments and now I realise with the neck cover I can’t clip/un-clip the chest from the back like I used to. So I’ll have to re-work that system 😅 But this actually looks like a real cool thing now. And i still can’t believe I made it. I never thought I’d ACTUALLY have this type of thing in my possession 😁 Can these LEDs ship faster please? 🙏 #ironman #marvel #mark85 #mk85 #cosplay #marvelstudios #endgame #avengers #tonystark #comicon #comicon2019 #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #armour #armor #suit #stark #starkindustries #cura #ultimaker #creality #cr10s #cr10 #pla #sunlu #lifesize #costume #hashtag #creawesome

Uma publicação partilhada por Frank Lee (@frankly_built) a


Ver esta publicação no Instagram


Do I even need to quote it? LEDs for the gauntlet finally came in. And god. DAMNITY. DAMN! I’m not saying I was loosing motivation but if this didn’t just light the biggest fire under my ass. I can’t believe how bright and beautiful these look. Even in a fully lit room. I’ll make sure to cover these lights in the next video update on YouTube 👌🏼 Enjoy! Thank you @oznium for these dope SMDs! #marvel #ironman #mk85 #mark85 #endgame #infinitywar #infinitystones #iamironman #marvelstudios #disney #avengers #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprinter #diy #resin #leds #cura #creality #do3d #iloveyou3000 #mcu #cosplay #comicon #comiccon #mcmlondoncomiccon #franklybuilt #pla #oznium #armour

Uma publicação partilhada por Frank Lee (@frankly_built) a

E aí, o que você achou do resultado?

Assista à nossa crítica sobre o filme:

YouTube video

Após os eventos devastadores de ‘Vingadores: Guerra Infinita‘, o Universo entrou em destruição por causa do Estalar de Dedos do Thanos, o Titã Louco. Com a ajuda dos heróis sobreviventes, os Vingadores devem se reunir mais uma vez para desfazer as ações de Thanos e restaurar a ordem do universo de uma vez por todas, não importa quais serão as consequências que os aguardam.

O elenco grandioso conta com Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson, Karen Gillan, Danai Gurira, Bradley Cooper e Josh Brolin, entre outros.

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