Através do Twitter da Legendary Pictures, o diretor Michael Dougherty revelou diversas artes ORIGINAIS do clássico cult de Halloween ‘Contos do Dia das Bruxas’.
I also always felt bad for Linus. Waiting in the pumpkin patch all night for the enigmatic Great Pumpkin to rise. Always knowing he’d be disappointed in the end. But what if Linus was right? And the Great Pumpkin, or his equivalent, was real?
I was always bummed that #Halloween didn’t have a singular mascot character like Christmas had Santa or Easter had the Easter Bunny, which is partially where the idea for Sam came from. @trickrtreat
Brian Cox’s @TrickRTreat storyline was meant to be the Halloween equivalent of A CHRISTMAS CAROL, with Old Mr. Kreeg being Ebenezer Scrooge. Only instead of being visited by three ghosts, he’s visited by the spirit of #Halloween himself: Sam.
Other than GINGER SNAPS and the werewolf queen in THE HOWLING, there weren’t a lot of female werewolves on the big screen, which is where the idea of a pack of female lycanthropes came from. Why should guys get to have all the fun? @TrickrTreat #Halloween
More amazing @TrickrTreat concept art by @Breehn and @SimeonWilkins1. Visual development is easily one of my favorite parts of the process, and their work played a huge part in getting the movie greenlit. #Halloween
Sometimes I like to do a rough sketch of a shot before handing it off to a much more talented artist to flesh it out. The school bus sinking being a great example of that. @trickrtreat #Halloween
More eerie #Halloween @TrickrTreat beauty from @breehn. This was one of the first pieces of concept art created for the movie.

More amazing @TrickrTreat concept art by @Breehn. You might recognize the house.
Here are some thumbnail storyboards I did for Charlie’s death-by-chocolate:
O filme, lançado em 2007, não teve um número considerável de público e migrou diretamente para o VOD – mas isso não o impediu de ganhar aclame crítico e uma crescente legião de fãs.
Na obra, histórias de horror interligadas mostram que algumas tradições não devem ser esquecidas. Este é o caso de residentes de uma pequena cidade, que enfrentam fantasmas e demônios no Dia das Bruxas. Os contos de terror revelam as consequências de não levar a sério certas lendas, como a do Jack da lanterna.
O extenso elenco trouxe nomes como Dylan Baker, Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Quinn Lord, Leslie Bibb, Lauren Lee Smith e muitos outros.
Uma sequência do filme continua em produção, mas detalhes sobre o próximo capítulo não foram revelados.