domingo , 23 fevereiro , 2025

‘Nashville’: Terminam as filmagens da última temporada; Elenco se despede nas redes sociais

Nashville‘ está chegando ao fim! A série, que foi resgatada pelo canal CMT após o cancelamento pela ABC, encerrará sua jornada na 6ª temporada, cujas filmagens já se encerraram.

Para celebrar, o elenco se despediu nas redes sociais. Confira:

this picture was from the first scene ever. today we filmed the last scene ever. I don’t know when it’s gunna hit me, and I’m terrified for it to. There’s no way im fully comprehending at this moment what my life will be like without this show, without these people. I am at a loss of words honestly so forgive me if I’m speaking backwards and inside out right now, but from the depths of my being, thank you. thank you to Callie for picking me and Maisy off of our couch in 2012 completely clueless and oblivious to the world you were about to show us. Never would I have considered acting if it wasn’t for this show, I was so dead set on making music I didn’t even think for one second about doing or being anything else, and here I am now with such a passion for acting and this world of TV and movie making. thank you to the entire cast and crew for inspiring me, moving me, every day. how lucky was I to be surrounded by the purest, most solid human beings on the planet from the youngest age. and how lucky i am to have my sister right in it all with me. soaking it all in. thank you guys for making this everything it was, everything it is. how special to have my sister and I’s childhood documented. so glad every awkward stage has been captured for the world to see 😉 kidding, but actually not at all… DO NOT go back to season 1 please and if you do, do me a solid and don’t show me pictures. Ahhhhhh what magic this has been. no words could possibly express my gratitude. all the love in the world. Xox

Uma publicação compartilhada por thisislennon (@lennonstella) em

Assista também: 
YouTube video

Hayden Panettiere, Charles Esten, Clare Bowen, Sam Palladio, Chris Carmack, Jonathan Jackson, Lennon Stella e Maisy Stella estrelam.

A 6ª e última temporada de ‘Nashville‘ retornará 7 de junho.

YouTube video

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‘Nashville’: Terminam as filmagens da última temporada; Elenco se despede nas redes sociais

Nashville‘ está chegando ao fim! A série, que foi resgatada pelo canal CMT após o cancelamento pela ABC, encerrará sua jornada na 6ª temporada, cujas filmagens já se encerraram.

Para celebrar, o elenco se despediu nas redes sociais. Confira:

this picture was from the first scene ever. today we filmed the last scene ever. I don’t know when it’s gunna hit me, and I’m terrified for it to. There’s no way im fully comprehending at this moment what my life will be like without this show, without these people. I am at a loss of words honestly so forgive me if I’m speaking backwards and inside out right now, but from the depths of my being, thank you. thank you to Callie for picking me and Maisy off of our couch in 2012 completely clueless and oblivious to the world you were about to show us. Never would I have considered acting if it wasn’t for this show, I was so dead set on making music I didn’t even think for one second about doing or being anything else, and here I am now with such a passion for acting and this world of TV and movie making. thank you to the entire cast and crew for inspiring me, moving me, every day. how lucky was I to be surrounded by the purest, most solid human beings on the planet from the youngest age. and how lucky i am to have my sister right in it all with me. soaking it all in. thank you guys for making this everything it was, everything it is. how special to have my sister and I’s childhood documented. so glad every awkward stage has been captured for the world to see 😉 kidding, but actually not at all… DO NOT go back to season 1 please and if you do, do me a solid and don’t show me pictures. Ahhhhhh what magic this has been. no words could possibly express my gratitude. all the love in the world. Xox

Uma publicação compartilhada por thisislennon (@lennonstella) em

Hayden Panettiere, Charles Esten, Clare Bowen, Sam Palladio, Chris Carmack, Jonathan Jackson, Lennon Stella e Maisy Stella estrelam.

A 6ª e última temporada de ‘Nashville‘ retornará 7 de junho.

